Saturday 2 November 2013

On Monday I will be flying to Gran Canaria, to take part in the most exciting event happening in the island for quite sometime. It is a creative platform where people will be selling, and showing their creations alongside, professional workshops and talks. I have always wanted to contribute somehow to the design/craft/teaching scene back home, and taken part in this fair will give me a great opportunity to meet creative people, and find out more about what is going on over there as well as bringing some of the knowledge I have acquired over all this years studying and working in London. 

I will have a stand to show chocolate creative's products, as well as teach some workshops and give a talk. I must admit that I am very nervous about the perspective of talking in front of a lot of people, I rather stay behind the scene and let the others do the talk, but this time I am going out of my conform zone and embrace this unique opportunity. I hope to do it well, and inspire others to follow their dreams...

I love the campaign behind Fashion & Friends, the photos and their quotes are very inspiring and that is the whole point of this event, to inspire and motivate people to explore their creative paths. 
Above, a photo of Jose and Paco, the talented owners of the most glorious interior shop, 'Trastornados',  in Gran Canaria, and below snaps of the last year event. 

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