I dream with a new kitchen almost every day, people say that material things and fancy houses don't give you happiness, but I am pretty sure that a new kitchen would make me very happy!! My boyfriend was saying to me last night that the happiest man on earth live in a 2 by 2 meters space, don't practice sex, have money or fancy things, ok, that may be true and I can see his point, but I still think that a new kitchen would make me a very happy woman!! Jokes apart, it is nothing wrong with my current kitchen I just hate it, full stop, and after seeing these photos from the Ikea inspiration site, I am even more determined to get one soon. These photos come to show that you don't need to splash thousands to get a great space, simple units, mixed and match with old/vintage furniture and objects, creates a very cosy and personal living space, just how I like it, so Ikea (let me clarify this, I don't like Ikea, and would never decorate a house based entirely on their products, but a few things here and there, makes my life a bit easier), wait for me, I am coming as soon as I get the money for a new kitchen!!

I just saw this photos on the Transito Inicial blog

y yo!!!! qué preciosidad!!!
ReplyDeleteYo soy bastante reacia a ikea, eximiendo varios artículos muy concretos. Si te digo la verdad en un primer momento me pareció una cocina muy lujosa, y ha medida que me iba dando cuenta que eran de ikea, sentía que estaba recibiendo una lección. un beso
ReplyDeleteMarga .. nos pordemos ver en The Orange ... puse un post en mi blog ... queda cerquita de Victoria! xxx
ReplyDeleteBy the way ... lovely kitchens ;)
Hermosa cocina! Yo también quiero una nueva, por eso estoy pintando la mía! Aunque ha sido un trabajo titánico, espero que al final valga la pena... y me haga muy feliz!
ReplyDeleteHe escuchado mucha gente que piensa lo mismo de ikea, pero yo que vivo en México, en donde no hay una sola tienda ikea, te digo que moriría por ir y comprarme varios de sus muebles. Entiendo que son muy comerciales y todo, pero también tienen un perfil de diseñador que acá los muebles no tienen, y si además son accesibles, qué mejor! ;)
I have that dream too..
Acabo de conocer tu blog y me gusta,saludos desde Madrid!!
ReplyDeletela primera me la pido!
ReplyDeletewhat's really nice about these spaces, is that they really look personal... my kitchen doesn't (except the fact that my tabletop is an old drawing board of mine with smugdey charcoal fingerprints toward the edges), and i don't like it... so, good luck with your plans! i'm curious about the outcome!
The fourth one reminds me of my aunts home. very rustic. great pictures and I hope you get a new kitchen soon. Blessings, Joanne
I love this ikea kitchen picture - it is a great mixture of contemporary and vintage. The pick cupboards are also an interesting touch!
ReplyDeleteyou could always look in second hand shops for pieces of rustic furniture to suit your space rather than getting a mock modern version. i am also looking into a more bespoke kitchen as want it to have a more rustic feel.