Remember this name SELBY, I am going to be posting a lot about it, I love this website, a place to feature photographs, paintings and videos by photographer Todd Selby of interesting people and their creative spaces. A real treat and rare opportunity to take an intimate look at these people's homes and lives, full of small details, funny finds, secrets, art, personal items, each place is a different world on its own, it is true when people say that a home is a reflection of the people who live in it!! I truly believe this!! This is my random selection of photos, there is a shop where to buy the Selby book, (pictured below), posters, etc...
Recuerda este nombre SELBY, es una página dedicada a las personas y sus espacios fotografiados por el fotógrafo Todd Selby, me puedo pasar horas examinando estas fotos, llenas de detalles, recuerdos, secretos y mucho más...una mirada muy íntima de las personas que habitan estos lugares tan apasionantes e inspiradores!!

What a great album of pics. Loads of interesting characters, they are little unique worlds aren't they.