Thursday, 23 August 2012

Looking for a storage trolley for my new bathroom came across this two different versions of the same trolley. I had my eye on the most expensive one from homeware store baileys, and have just seen this other fake one in Ikea, for a fraction of the price. Yes totally fake in my opinion, baileys have been doing this trolleys for a long time, they used to have them in pale green and now in grey, and has never seen them anywhere else. Sometimes Ikea feels like ZARA, good design out there, why not to do our own much cheaper version instead of coming up with our own designs? Of course Ikea and ZARA can  produce this pieces to a very low price, after all they are the big boys! while us, small independent designers/retailers will continue to produce products that later will be spotted by them or any other big ones and sold at a price that we will never be able to compete with.


Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Back in London in my small sunny house in the South East part of the city, I have been visiting friends out and around London, and taken things slower, enjoying the Summer and having some quality time with friends that I don't get to see as often as I wish. Last week I had a wonderful time up in Norwich, (I love this city and the surroundings), where my friend Kate lives with her family, Jack and daughters Ella and Alice. We met many years back while studding textiles and used to share a studio, but Kate became a wonderful mum and decided to raise the kids in Norwick, (totally the right decision). Now that the girls are a bit older, Kate Read and friend, Ruth Cooper are embarking in a new adventure, Cooper & Read, a bakery heaven, ( I have tried some of their cakes and can give credit of how yummy they are). If you are in Norwich or near by, read their blog for news and updates on markets dates. Good luck COOPER&READ, save some cakes for me...

I love her approach to living, KEEP IT REAL, her house is full of beautiful things, mixed up with dolls and toys spread all over the house, (two kids playing full time haha...), she has acquired some very nice pieces of furniture over the years, from her mum and different markets. LOVE the white vases collection against the graphic's movie poster, the new kitchen, ceramics, etc...

 The blue staircase is very nice, together with the most loved cuddly dog in the house – needless to say that he has seen better days – and the messy cabinet, I like her style, who says you can't have a stylist beautiful house once you start having children? Her house is a good example of how to create a simple, lived in, personal and cosy home without having a huge budget but good ideas and of course plenty of style.


Tuesday, 7 August 2012

As my friend Lynne from teaforjoy recently commented in her blog, having very good photos of your products is more than important, it is essential to the SUCCESS of your business. That is why having photos taken by a professional photographer is a must. I am crap at taken mine, sometimes I do it in order to blog or upload products in my shop, but I use Piero, (chocolate creative's photographer) for the main shoots. I got to know London based photographer Heaher's work through Virginia from Roddy and Ginger (photos below show her wallpaper range). I really like Heather's work, the lighting feels very natural and flows very well through the spaces and objects, more gorgeous pictures in her porfolio.

(photos by Heather Hobhouse)

Friday, 3 August 2012

I am setting a new challenge for myself and my blog, post more regularly and have new sections, as I post so random, that sometimes I lose track of things that really interest me and I want to write or tell about it, so I am hoping from now on to be more consistent with the blog content, wish me luck as I am a bit of a mess, as soon as I get super busy I forget about the blog, and then regret when I see it so lonely and empty...

Starting with the SHOP OF THE WEEK
The first instalment of PopUp@ opens in Greenwich to offer you a chance to purchase highlights from London’s creative studios.” A rare collaboration between London’s Award winning designers, craftsmen and creative studios opens shop for one month at 20 Nelson Road, Greenwich. Openinig times Mon - Saturday 12am-8pm and Sunday 12am - 6pm.
I am popping around next weekend to say hello to Sian, friends, and treat myself with something from the shop, have coffee and simply enjoy beautiful Greenwich, if you are around don't miss it.


Thursday, 2 August 2012

Nice busy day in London, catching up on work after I took yesterday off to got to Hastings, I am not ready to leave GB yet, this country is way to gorgeous and give me so much, I am grateful for the little trips I take outside London, next week Norwich, a quick visit to my dear friend Kate and family, will post photos in a few days.

My friend Victoria told me about her cousin's bakery pan de lino in La Coruna, Spain, and I couldn't help to shout about it, love it all, the interiors, food, treats, delicatessen, goods and philosophy behind the shop/bakery, handmade, organic, good service and simply enjoy the old traditions and slow pace of life. One day I hope to open a similar space back in Gran Canaria, but more focussed on homewares, design and vintage.