Friday 12 April 2013

I came to know about Fraskilandia when I was in Las Palmas, a friend told me about Odil and her little creations, and I instantly thought what a great idea, and how cute her work was. So it makes me happy to show you her studio space, in Las Palmas, and some of her work. Love her ethos, and what Fraskilandia is about, in her own words: "Fraskilandia’s vision is to take part in the development of creativity, positive values and an awareness of the world around us. Three key elements, in my opinion, so that the world may work...Dolls can be made from anything you may think of, an illustration, a child’s drawing, a logo. You can also choose the Fraskilito which you like the best and add it specific items such as a mobile phone, a kimono, a tattoo...

I hope to meet Odil (check her blog for some more inspiration), next time I am back home, to chat about her work and living a creative life in general. I have an important network of designers/friends in London, and I value them very much, so I hope to keep growing my group of new friends back in Gran Canaria too.  As a designer/maker, who is  most of the time working by herself in her little studio at home, I find super important to meet with people who are in a similar boat, to talk and share business ideas, issues, progress, etc...and simply enjoy a cup of tea and a yummy cake!

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