Restoring old furniture

Thursday, 9 February 2012

I am currently bidding on a Danish side board on Ebay, and trying to get al old chest of drawers from a local second hand shop, not that my house needs more furniture, but I can't help but start thinking when I see an old piece of furniture what I could with it, and how it is going to look in my small rather crowed house. The white table and 4 black chairs in my living room, cost me hardly anything, I painted them in my garden and gave them a new look and use. The table was quite ugly and the school chairs needed in new coat of paint. I love the lamp, it is an old original glass shade, that I had wondering around the house, so I bought some red cable and made it the new dining area lamp! 

I find restoring old furniture relaxing and exciting, not only I am recycling, but never know how and old piece is going to look like after many many hours of hard work. I needed a small piece to play with the knobs and take to the shows, so decided to transform the 2 old small side tables into something more neutral and modern to show off the new knobs.
(photos chocolate creative)


  1. Tu casa siempre repleta de detalles, el aspecto dado a la antigua lampara es éxito total, absoluta protagonista de la zona :)

  2. La lámpara está genial y qué monos quedan los tiradores!!!!

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  4. Creo que esta noche voy a soñar con esos pomos estampados. Bueno, no creo, definitivamente voy a soñar con ellos.

  5. Marga ¡¡¡qué casa más mona!!!! Me encanta, tengo la sensación de que siempre vas cambiando y siempre está mona :) Un beso!

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  9. It looks so simple and nice. A little refurbishing can re-vitalize your whole house. It's nice to know that i'm not the only one doing that nowadays. Keep up the good work.

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