Great example of local architecture in the capital, las Palmas, I am rediscovering the city and its beautiful buildings, and history...

...Sorry for not being here, I am in Gran Canaria, and took last week off to rest and enjoy the sun, beach, family and friends...back to work, I brought a lot of work from London, cushions, emails, photos, marketing, etc...I am aiming to work more often from Spain, so I am organising my studio/office over here and visiting potentials outlets for my products.
I will be posting a bit about what is going on over here, shops, architecture, etc...
Lo siento por no estar por aquí, pero estoy en Gran canaria y me tomé la semana de vacaciones, como lo necesitaba!!! me he traido mucho trabajo de Londres, cojines que acabar, emails que responder, marketing que hacer, etc...mi objetivo es pasar más tiempo en Canarias, así que estoy organizando mi estudio/oficina, a ver que tal me va...
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