Monday 11 March 2013

It is snowing outside and very cold and windy, so I am delaying my trip to the supermarket as much as I can, although I have to go at some point otherwise Missi and me, will be not just cold, but very hungry... I think someone has forgotten that is already March and that we should reach the 2 digits, or at least aiming for it, rather than going back to minus whatever.

I am working on some tote bags and purses following the English Romantic collection ideas, and wanted to share a bit of what I like so much about the British interiors and what inspires me the most.

The chesterfield sofas, originally found in the famous men's clubs, now everywhere, including my house. The old paintings from the grand manors to the local pubs, the old china, the deer heads and amazing landscapes/nature, going from the far South Cornwall to the Highlands in Scotland. I love this nation, and its heritage, but I wish it was a lot warmer so I could complain less and enjoy my Winters a bit more...Do you like this style?


  1. Margarita, hace tiempo que vengo siguiendo tu blog y me encanta!!!! me gustaría comunicarme contigo via mail pero no encuentro el tuyo, podrías pasarme tu correo por favor?

    Gracias anticipadas!!!

    1. Hola Mari,
      Claro que si, por favor vete a mi tienda, pincha en el icono de la derecha y alli esta mi email en contactos. No lo pongo aqui porque la cantidad de spam que me llega es horrible. Y tu no has dejado el tuyo y veo que no tienes blog, bueno espero que leas este comentario. Me alegra quete guste de lo que hablo. Saludos desde un Londres frio.

  2. I just love Chesterfields, with or without the antler decor!

  3. Love it! Especially as from my point of view, Britain is the warmer climate!
