Sunday 8 July 2012

Hello, it is Sunday late afternoon in London, Sun is out but not after being raining all day. I remember being affected by the luck of proper Summer much more in previous years, but right now it seems I am way to busy to notice the weather. Talking about London, magazine Monocle latest issue has rated the 25 best cities and guess what? London is not one of them, want to know which one has made it to number 1? Zurich, followed by Helsinki, Copenhagen, etc...well I have been in Zurich (Winter time, -10), and I have to say it is not my cup of tea, give me Melbourne in place 6 and I am sure I will be much more happier with that option. Anyway I love reading Monocle despite their taste in cities haha... I wouldn't rate London as the best but would have included it in the list, this city is AMAZING!! ok transport is shit, weather is unspeakable, we are way too many people living here, but there are so many other great things about the English capital, if never being here, you have to!.  

It is being family time for me, boyfriend left and mother arrived, followed by brother, I don't want to think how I am going to feel once they have all gone back home, I guess I will throw myself into work so I don't have to think about it.

My camera seems broken, taken photos but can't upload them to the computer, shame I took some nice shoots today of my laziness around the house but cant' show them, so no photos more words...but leave you with some pictures Piero took of Missi, that is laziness in style!

Have a nice Monday, I have a busy week ahead, so will pop around soon!


  1. Cute Cat. x

    I'm a Londoner too.

  2. Oh that's crazy! London should definitely be on the list. I agree, Melbourne is a great place so it deserves to be on there. But London too! And lazy Sunday are a must ;) x

  3. Qué bellezón es Missi, deberías enseñárnosla más....

    A mi Londres me encanta, y sin duda es la capital del mundo occidental (más que N.Y. para mi), pero yo viví un año allí y te puedo decir que tienes toda mi admiración por seguir allí año tras año.... Londres es genial, pero no para vivir, no, no.... yo necesito sol cada día... y un sol de verdad, no un sol raquítico....

  4. London should definitely be on the list - otherwise why would so many people want to come here...!? Zurich? Pah.
