NEW ECO tote bags

Thursday 16 September 2010

I have been away from my dear blog, and I really miss blogging about the beautiful things, amazing designers and interiors I get to see around, but lately it is being all about developing new products, and focussing on the ONE DAY DESIGNERS SALES SHOW that I am taken part in, this event is organised by Craft Central and will take place on Wednesday 22 September, from 12noon to 7 pm at Craft Central premises, 33-35 St John's Square, admission free. The show will happen together with the London Design Festival and will be an unique opportunity to buy beautiful handmade products by designers such as myself and have an sneak previews of exciting new work. 

I am very glad that my NEW range of eco tote bags would be ready to sell at this event together with the cushions, tea towels and hopefully the mugs!! They won't be for sale on my online shop until the end of September, so if you are in London and fancy to pop in, I am offering a 10% discount on the day. 

NEW ECO TOTE BAGS by chocolatecreative

(images chocolatecreative)


  1. Pero que preciosidad!!!!!!!!!!! ya sabía yo que tenías que esta haciendo cosas bonitas :)

    Te noto animada, me alegra!!!!

    En verano estuve en un pueblo de Portugal que se llama Aveiro.. Antes de llegar miramos mercadillos de muebles y no vimos nada! Pero cuando llegamos todo el pueblo era un mercadillo de muebles, me persiguen, es de locos!!!! Ahora vamos a Amsterdam y me temo que voy a volver a enloquecer!!!

    El máster se acabo con un "A", así que contenta!!!

    besitos lluviosos :) y vuelve prontito!!!!

  2. I love them, so sorry I couldn't come today, I hope the sale went well xx
