I have been thinking for sometime to take up an upholstery course, specially since I started to print my textiles, (I already own a few pieces of furniture waiting for me to learn and have time to work on them). I hope that this year I manage to do some of the projects I have been wanted to put my hands on... But for the time being I will admire the work of Nightwood studio, (a Brooklyn based home décor business specialising in its own reconstructed furniture and textiles), I really like their simple approach to this skillful job, the unfinished rustic look, the choice of pieces and textiles, and how they leave some parts of the furniture uncover still showing the old details from previous work. Some of them are master pieces. Their website is full of gorgeous pieces, not only chairs, but tables, shelves, cabinets, beds, just about everything you have in your wish list, even cushions!!

so comfortable looking...and unique!