It has been an amazing sunny warm week here in London, and it seems it is going to stay like this for a few more days...My dream life would be to live in this amazing city, with this weather for almost all year, with Canary Islands (where I am from), just half and hour by car from here, with my language, food, family, friends, beach, culture, etc...would it not be perfect?
This photo from stylist Twig from England represent how I feel this days, when the SUN is out, I feel closer to nature and just want to be outdoors all the time or seating in my garden...
Her work is a treat for the eyes!! Absolutely gorgeous and very inspirational. She was commissioned by Toast to design and style their store in London, she styles, designs and above all inspire all with her work!
Esta semana ha sido de lo más bonita en Londres, el Sol ha salido todos los dias, un milagro tratandose de Londres, ojalá permanezca así por muchos más días...esta foto de la estilista Twig, muestra como me he sentido estos días, más cercana a la naturaleza, y deseando pasar más tiempo en mi jardín, paseando en el parque y por ahí disfrutando del clima y la cuidad...solo me falta la playa.

When I was 7 we visited the Canary Islands it was my first flight. A long time ago now but a place I will never forget. I love these Twig design sets especially the mustard yellow, what a fantastic opportunity she had.