Fancy a STAG? Plenty of choices out there, it seems designers all over have gone mad about stags, I though it was only me, but how wrong I was!!! They are everywhere!!! They make such a strong statement, so elegant and wild...specially in black that is why when apply to home objects the result is so eye catching. Enjoy this small selection, I hope you find them as beautiful as I do.
If you know about other stag designs please let me know so I can show them here.
If you know about other stag designs please let me know so I can show them here.

1 Scottish Antlers by Papastour
2-3-4 Cushions, mirror and clock by Westergaard designs
5 Cushions by westergaarddesigns Chocolate Creative
6 Cushion by Floral Elk
7 Coat hangers by Pedlars
8 Wall decal by Hartandheim
Felicidades por el Blog!! Tenéis un gusto exquisito. Ya iré entrando para ver los últimos updates. Marga, sigue diseñando textiles que es lo tuyo y son preciosos pero plantéate diseñar alguna línea para producción industrial y lanzarte al estrellato.
Gracias!! la verdad que disfruto mucho haciendo este blog y mis cojines. Ya te ire informando de las nuevas coleccioones,