Monday, 31 May 2010

Good afternoon Monday!!

Good afternoon Monday!! It is bank Holidays in the UK and in Spain as well, and I am catching up on so many things, blog, house, sleep, work.. .Las week was very busy work wise. As well as running Chocolate Creative I do graphic work for  a company and it has been quite mad. I am saying this so I can justify my luck of posting. So this weekend has been about treating myself to nice things. I wouldn't normally post about my life or activities outside Chocolate Creative here, but I felt the need to talk about a ballet piece I saw on friday at the Royal opera House. 'Chroma' by Wayne McGregor, is the most beautiful contemporary piece of dance I have ever seen. From minute one I was taken by it, the movements and music felt  surrealist and I never thought a human body could achieve such a degree of perfection! It left me as if I were dreaming and I went to bed feeling happy of having the opportunity to experience such a beauty. Thanks JUAN for inviting me!!
Buenas tardes Lunes!! Es día de fiesta en Londres y en España, (sino me equivoco), aquí estoy haciendo mil cosas, pues la semana pasada estuve muy ocupada con el trabajo, (además de Chocolate Creative, trabajo como diseñadora gráfica para una empresa), lo digo para excusar la falta de posting...No suelo hablar de mis cosas fuera de Chocolate Creative, pero me gustaría compartir con ustedes mi fin de semana. El Viernes fuí a ver un ballet al Royal opera House, una pieza del coreógrafo Wayne McGregor, llamada 'Chorma', posiblemente el mejor ballet contemporaneo que he visto hasta la fecha. Desde el principio me sentí cautivada por los movimientos y música tan surrealistas, de verdad que nunca imaginé que el cuerpo humano pudiese llegar a tal grado de perfección, sencillamente extraordinario!! Gracias JUAN por invitarme!!

...On Saturday I went to see 'Sex and the City 2' the movie, and had such a good time. I really wanted to make and effort and dress glamorous for the occasion but ended up going locally and in my most comfortable and ugly clothes I could possible choose haha... I still laugh and enjoyed it very much, in fact I LOVED IT!!
El Sábado fuí a ver la película 'Sex and the City 2', me encantó, pensé en ir vestida muy mona para la ocación, pero terminé yendo a mi cine local y con la ropa más fea y cómoda que tengo jaja...pero me lo pasé bomba!!

Sunday was about playing with my camera and trying to get some decent photos, but wasn't very inspired and didn't have much luck with it, so I may try some more later on...How was your weekend??
El Dómingo me quedé en casa probando mi cámara e intentando sacar algunas buenas fotos, pero no tuve mucho éxito, a ver si hoy me pongo un ratito, que tal vuestro fín de semana?

Photo by Chocolate Creative

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