Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Second hand plates Karen Ryan

Karen Ryan's 'Second Hand Plates' series is a good example of how we can bring new life into an old tired product by upcycling, obviously you need to have great skills and talent to come up with something as stunning as this plates!!. Her work is remarkable, now I only need some money to get one of this designs...I damage second hand old plates. I remove the decorative patterns that camouflage our everyday lies and in its place I leave words that prick our conscience and create portraits of hidden domestics left open for others to interpret.

Me acabo de enamorar de estos platos de la diseñadora Karen Ryan, son de la serie 'Second Hand Plates', me parece un buen uso de la palabra 'upcyling', como dar vida nueva a un algo viejo y convertirlo en un objeto de deseo. Ahora solo necesito dinero para comprar uno de estos!!


  1. I like to think I am creative but when it comes to artwork I'm not so sure. These are really require some talent and they are beautiful. Thanks for sharing

  2. Bueno, que post más bonitos siempre...

    os presento mi nuevo proyecto!

    Besitos mil!
