Wednesday, 17 February 2010

Looking for inspiration...

Thinking of my next photo shoot for the cushions...came across the incredible work of photographer Tom Mannion...enjoy!!

Buscando inpiración para la próxima seción de fotos de los cojines, encontré el trabajo de Tomm Mannion, exquisito!!


  1. these photos are very the tea party shaped like a tea pot, the doormouse would be pleased :)

  2. I love that teapot too. Might have to get all my crockery out and play teapot collages with it all! xx

  3. All I can say is Wow. My favorite is the photo of the stairs with the ripped carpet revealing gorgeous brown aged wood. Love

  4. ¡Qué chulada de post! ¿cómo estas?yo estoy en la racha final! me queda esta semana y acabo! (la primera parte, pero acabo) :) Así que feliz!

    Mira esto...

    jajaja se la canto a mi novio ;)

    Mil besitos y buen día!

  5. Love these photos! Marga, I saw your comment - my computer is in hospital at the minute (it has a virus) - I will respond to you when I get it back. I see you got it into three columns though? So, that's a good start!

  6. me gusta este blog!!! inpiración total!!! ;)
