Friday, 12 February 2010

I am having a creativity crisis...

I am having a creativity crisis, I am working on a new collection and expanding the vintage one, with some new designs, but having serious problems to focus in one idea only. When I think of a design I just want to have it done on the spot, but creating is a long process, sometimes more painful than others...and a long process than I should enjoy rather than rush into things...So I am still learning how not to get frustrated when things don't happen my way or as quick as I wish. Doesn't help that is grey, cold and dark and not sunlight coming in through my windows at all, that is why I am going to dream I am in a room full of light and feeling warm!!

I hope you all have a nice weekend where ever you are, I am planning to spend mine with friends, perhaps a nice movie and of course cushions making haha...

Estoy pasando por una crisis de creatividad llevo varios dias trabajando en una nueva colleción y expandiendo las otras con nuevos diseños, pero los dias se me van volando y no saco nada que me guste. Que frustación tan grande!! Y no ayuda el que haga tanto frio, y que los dias esten tan grises y miserables, asi que me voy a dedicar a soñar que estoy en un sitio soleado y que hace calorcito.

Espero que tengan un buen fín de semana, yo lo pararé con amigos, quizás una buena peli, y por supuesto mis cojines jaja...


  1. I think there are other people out there feeling the same way as you lately. In the past month I have notice a real decline in creativity for blog posts, lack of sales in my etsy shop, less interaction in my blog through comments, and other things! I hope spring comes soon....and that it helps give everyone a boost!

  2. Muchísimo ánimo!!!! Con las cosas tan bonitas que haces, estoy segura de que puedes con todo!

    Mil besitos y buen fin de semana!

  3. Seguro que te saldrán cosas muy bonitas! ... te paso este link por si necesitas inspiración:

    Te encantará!
