Thursday, 8 October 2009

{Charlene Mullen} London Design Festival review...

As you all know, The London Design Festival happened two weeks ago, and as I said here before I was going to see as much as I could fit in 2 days. It was amazing, my friends from Spain came along and we all went to stroll the events, shops, city, etc…I hope you enjoy my little review of what was on show, starting with 100% Design…

First thing on Friday I headed to 100% Design, which tend to be more corporate and industry oriented than Tent, (I only visited this 2 shows, but much more was on show). 100% is perfect for looking for materials, gorgeous fitting for the houses, etc…but I always expect to see emerging designer and very talented people that are not necessarily running big business or own a very well known brand, and it is this niche market that I am specially interested in.

One of the highlight of the show was to meet designer Charlene Mullen, her designs are very distinctive and well crafted and I love her black drawings embroidery on gorgeous fabrics. Her cushions of the London theme together with the Folk line are my favorites. She is not only a talented designer but a very friendly and approachable lady. It was a pleasure to met her and I hope we can catch up soon over a cup on tea, as we both live near by, enjoy her work...

'From angular prints to craft embroideries, it is the process of 'making' that I love. This is achieved using techniques that are age old but interpreting them in a contemporary way. The aim is to create modern design within a historical context. Inspiration can, and does, come from anywhere - from Victorian Christening gowns to prison tattoos. Nothing is taboo.'


  1. Wow! I love those blankets - perfect to snuggle up in on a winter's evening:)

  2. Wow - amazing stuff here!! what stylish taste you have!

    I would be honoured to be featured on your site!!!


  3. Hey

    Never posted on Blogger before as Im tying out Tmblr for feedback purposes but I am an avid reader. Online shopping and found Charlene's work, hope you dont mind ive added a link to my page for you

    many thanks x
