Thursday, 2 July 2009

Freerangedoodle by Xiang Zeng

I saw Xiang’s movable wallpaper at the Central San Martin textile show, I thought it was a clever and very cute idea of telling a story. This time not through a book but on an interactive medium, where you get to make your own version of the tale and became the narrator of your unique wall paper …very creative!!

In her words...Inspired by the changeable nature of fairy tale stories, where frogs can suddenly become princes and princes can become frogs, my work is concerned with visual narratives that can be altered through interaction. I am creating a collection of narrative wallpapers that are multilayered with pull out pieces, movable characters and rotating wheels. What the viewer peels off or move around will continuously alter the meaning of the image

Freerangedoodle is created by Xiang Zeng with the intention to showcase her fun and free approach to design. Her work is often inspired by her own fairy-tale-like narratives which she uses to create computer animations and garments. In 2008 she was awarded the William Atkinson award by CSM for her designs on the reinterpretation of Little Red Riding Hood. With her passion for 'crazy' stories and beautiful patterns, Xiang continues to explore the possibilities of new and traditional technology to create narrative led surfaces for fashion and interiors.