Saturday, 16 May 2009

Strictly Not High Street Fair - Norwich

I've just bought the most beautiful cushion from a textile artist called Su Owen she's exhibiting at the Strictly Not High Street event on today and tomorrow at the Forum in Norwich. Not to be confused with (also fantastic) it is a 2 day selling event for local artists and designer makers organised by jewellery designer Lisa Angel

I absolutely love the attention to detail, the edging, colour and stitching! beautiful..


  1. il est magnifique, quelle belle composition!

  2. Thats beautiful. Good find :)

  3. That is really really gorgeous! Such great finding. Have a lovely merry week ahead!

  4. Thanks for visiting my stall in Norwich last weekend, it's so good to get support and appreciation from like minded textile junkies : )

  5. B.T.W I love all the stuff on your blog and have put a link to it on my website : )

  6. Great! Thanks Su, everyone loves your cushion, dolet us know about anynew work so I can update the blog and I'll add your site to our favourites. Kx
